Art. 4486 / 4488
Other accessories:
- welding mirror
- nozzle cleaners
- gas lighters
- welding goggles
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- Art. 8150
Welding mirror, universallyadjustable withhandle
- Art. 8160
with magnet support, flexible spare mirror for above Art. 8165
- Art. 4486 / 4488
Nozzle cleaners in case:
for light weldingand cutting set (Art. 3945-M) Art. 4486
for standard weldingand cutting set (Art. 3644-M) Art. 4488
- Art. 4483
Conical nozzle reamers, incl.handle and case,
for cleaning cutting nozzles
- Art. 8200 / Art. 8210 / Art. 8201
Gas lighter (heavy duty) Art. 8200
Gas lighter (light duty) Art. 8210
Spare flints for above(set of 10 pcs) Art. 8201
- Welding goggles
(available with green, protection grade G4, G5 and
colourless glass)
- Art. 8240-G5
Welding goggles
- Art. 8250
SUVA model (G4, G5, colourless)
- Art. 8275
Spare glass for Art. 8240 and Art. 8250
- Art. 8260
Welding goggles with earpieces,universally
adjustable (G4, G5, colourless)
Spare glass for above Art. 8265
- Art. 8270
Flip-front goggles (G4, G5)
Spare glass for above Art. 8275
- Art. 4251
Spanner key in steel SW 30 x 32, for connecting pressure